
Showing posts from December, 2020

What do You Think About Agriculture Concepts Lag in Adoption of Automation and What is the Latest in Agriculture Automation?

With the skills shortage and climatic changes that are harming present crop yields, the farmers are tending toward the adoption of technologies, especially in automation, for increasing their efficiency. The increasing interest in technology and automation is ostensible in venture capital investments for agritech startups. These startups are increasingly addressing every aspect of the agriculture value chain. Few startups place remote sensors in the fields to gather hyper-local data about rising conditions while others are focusing on creating software for managing seed, fertilizer, soil, and irrigation, and make estimates about timing and yield. A rising group of companies is further working on agricultural robotics to develop autonomous tractors and even fruit & vegetable picking robots. For More Info | Download PDF Brochure, Click Here: Automation in Agriculture The major factors that are boosting the growth of the automation in agriculture market are the rising population and g